Well its that time again. Sleepless nights, tantrums and anxiety about what the new year will bring...and that's just the mums ! Starting the new school year regardless of what age your child is can be both stressful and exhausting, so it is important to put a few things in place before the new school year starts.
1. A good sleep routine is essential for everyone. We all need sleep especially kids who are growing, busy playing sport and using their brains all day. Poor sleep can lead to poor concentration, tantrums, anxiety and poor eating habits. If your child has trouble with falling asleep herbal tea such as chamomile, some lavender oil and a night time meditation or relaxing music may help. Keep all devices out of bedrooms to avoid the temptation of checking that last message.
2. Remember the water. Over the holidays we can monitor water intake but its not so easy during school time make sure a big glass is consumed before leaving each morning and when walking in the door in the afternoon. At least you know they got two big glasses in for the day.
3. Remove the sugar. Try to make fruit the only sugar of the day where possible. This will help to keep blood sugars stable so their energy does not fluctuate too much during the day. Keep an eye on the sugar in cereals and snacks as just because it has a 4 star health rating doesn't mean its actually good for our little people.
4. Look at strengthening the immune system to prevent all those nasty bugs coming home to infect the whole family. A probiotic is great to improve gut health and the immune system. Some children may need extra support and you can increase Vitamin C and Zinc rich foods to help.
5. Remember that our kids can get pretty busy and regardless of a new year starting at kindy or Year 12 this can lead to anxiety and stress in our kids so chatting to them to about how they are feeling and coping is important. Even the most resilient children can have times they are not coping too well. Using a simple flower essence such as rescue remedy can be really helpful.
6. If your child is playing a lot of sport they may also need some extra support for the body. Magnesium rich foods, Epson salt baths and plenty of nutritious food high in protein and healthy fats is really important to keep them active and prevent injuries.
7. Healthy digestion is essential to absorb all those nutrients from our foods so supporting the digestion by removing allergenic foods that may lead to poor digestion is important and adding in pre and probiotics to replenish the good bacteria. Prebiotics are the food for our good bacteria and one of the best is fibre. This means using wholegrains that have not had the fibre removed (brown rice, wholegrain bread), vegetables and fruit are full of fibre but be aware that fruit does contain natural sugars so getting some vegetables in the diet is essential as well. Probiotics are in good quality yoghurt and fermented foods which you can get kids used to if adding small amounts to meals and slowly introduce them.
8. Remember that kids learn a lot from parents. So limit your own screen time, exercise regularly and eat healthy nutritious meals to show them it is a way of life not something you are making them do to torture them.
In health and happiness